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The Big Bang Theory: 5 Things About Bernadette That Were Too Annoying

At the point when she was first presented into The Big Bang Theory universe as Howard’s timid date, Bernadette seemed to be a quite decent, rational young lady. That pattern seemed to proceed as the seasons went on, yet then out of nowhere.

Things started to change. She transformed into a character that was really unrecognizable from the one we at first met, to where she got one of our most hated personas on the entire show.

Bernadette Is Ultra Competitive

As we saw all through the last periods of the show, and particularly when she collaborates with Leonard to attempt to win Raj’s Scavenger Hunt, that Bernadette tends to be an all-around bit serious. She takes her longing to win and inclines it up to an unheard-of level, with the sole aim being to pulverize her restriction.

The Big Bang Theory Recap: How Bernadette Is Becoming the the Most ...
Source: Glamour

Bernadette Steal Clothes From Charity

Bernadette legitimizes taking a couple of boots, expected to go to the good cause since she serves soup to destitute individuals now and again. Basically, this is a character defect, and it’s an entirely huge one at that. At the point when somebody as adorable and apparently honest as Bernadette begins to make a stride or two to the clouded side, it very well may be genuinely hard to stop that snowball before it gets too huge.

Bernadette Attitude At Work

we gradually find the opportunity to bring a profound jump into what Bernadette resembles when she’s busy working. While some may feel for her given that she has a high-stress work on occasion, others think she appears to be somewhat of a domineering jerk.

Bernadette Turns Into Howard’s Mom

At the point when Howard’s mother died, it was an inconceivably difficult stretch for the show. In any case, even before that really occurred, it appeared as though Bernadette had gradually taken over as Howard’s new nurturing figure.

Bernadette Taunting Howard

Howard is by all accounts a manikin with Bernadette being the puppetmaster in the great plan of their marriage – and to place it in marginally progressively vile terms, he’s whipped.

Bernadette is glad to toss an affront or two in the general course of her significant other, and with no guarantees, so as a rule the case with a power like that, he utilizes that dissatisfaction and saddles it into taunting his own companions.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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