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Texas Mother Shots 8-Year-Old Daughter To Death And 12-Year-Old Son Managed To Escape


An eight-year-old girl and her 35-year-old mother were killed in a clear murder-suicide in Texas on Monday, officials said, but a 12-year-old boy somehow managed to escape.

Officers responded to a domestic feud call in the 500 blocks of Highcrest Drive in the early hours of Monday morning after a man called to report he’d just been committed in a dispute with his wife.

The man whose identity is not confirmed yet told police that during the argument his wife grabbed a gun and fired several shots at him before he managed to escape their home near Camp Wisdom Road. The cause of the feud wasn’t specified.

Locked Herself With Kids

By the time policemen arrived at 12:30 am, the woman had locked herself inside with her 8-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son. A SWAT team was eventually called at 1:54 am, which tried to settle with the woman to release her children and surrender.

The 12-year-old boy was eventually able to get away safe just before 3 am, But he didn’t explain how he got away with it. Whether he was released by his mother or escaped on his own.

It is reported that the boy had attempted to get his younger sibling to come with him but she didn’t want to leave her mother and so she stayed behind.

After numerous aborted attempts to persuade the woman to capitulate in an hours-long delay.

Woman Fired Police

SWAT officers eventually breached the home at 6:30 am and were fired upon by the suspect.

Mounties said the woman fired various shots, one of which brushed an officer on the arm. SWAT officers did not return fire and ran out of the residence.

Officers made another effort to speak with the woman and heard two more rounds fired.

Mother-Daughter Found Dead

Authorities entered the home again at around 9 am they found the woman and the young girl dead in an apparent murder-suicide.

The woman’s name has not been released, she has a history of domestic violence and has been arrested a number of times.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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