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Stranger Things Season 4: Writers Troll Fans On Twitter Regarding The Upcoming Season

Here is what Twitter has launched and how the writers of Strangers Things writer tried using it!

Well, well, well, as all the people who are in love with various social media platforms and have been active for a long period in time are well aware of the fact that whenever the creator of such applications come out with a new feature about their algorithms, then users are pretty quick to test all those things out for a run.

As of right now, we have the writers of the popular web series called Stranger Things on the streaming giant Netflix who have taken to Twitter to test out one of the newest features that the service has to offer to all of their users. All the people who are socially active Twitter know that the new feature says that when they post a message, they can very well select the option to who can reply to it. This option ranges from selecting who can reply to you as well as no one replying at all.

Here is how fans were trolled by Stranger Things writers in hopes of getting some information about a fourth season!

The writers of Stranger Things managed to troll all of their followers by saying that they are going to reveal all the secrets regarding the fourth season of Stranger Things if they even happen to get a single reply on their message while they have already shut down getting a reply from any person or fan.

Of course, as you all know, no show is ever going to reveal any sort of information this easily but if course, things were surely fun when all the users tried replying to this comment on the hopes of getting something about a new season when they are not aware of the fact that all the replies have been limited on this post by the writers of Stranger Things.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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