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Stranger Things Final Season: Divison, Expected Plot And Deaths

Stranger Things is finally about to end, and now fans are waiting for a good ending, which most of the shows are lacking nowadays. However, it is the most remarkable series of Netflix originals.

There are many speculations regarding season 4, and we cover it all for you, and unanswered questions will not be remain unanswered.

Release Date

The First thing popped up in your head is obviously when it will arrive? Then it is evident that a huge barrier “Coronavirus” wiped out all the plans of a possible release. But it’s not with the case for Stranger Things as the fourth season will release next fall eventually. So there is no damage to the showrunners as they can reschedule the filming when everything is in the motion. So the fourth season will release on July 4th next fall as usual.

Part Divison

It is speculated that the final season could be divided into two parts for a larger expansion, and yes, we can agree to such terms. The final season could be divided into two parts for more craze and excitement. It is reported that showrunners don’t want the show to end all of a sudden, and this will drastically decrease the no of episodes in the finale season. There will be about five episodes, each part as our first guess. Rest is upon the showrunners, and they can do whatever they want to do.

Stranger Things Season 4
Source: Vox

Expected Plot And Deaths

Now in the third season, we already witnessed the sad demise of Jim Hopper, but it later ruled out as he is still alive and working with Russians. Mind flayer flayed Billy, and in the end, they both got out of the scene. Now the season 4 is primarily focusing on the antagonist return and who’s behind the deadly beast. However, his revival can’t be doubtful as he has many ways to rise again and disturb the town once again.

After the separation, the story will likely follow some years after, for sure. We can see elder versions of the group, and Eleven reunited with the same. If we are talking about more casualties, then lovers will be separated as Nancy Wheeler could be departed in the first half of the final season. Moreover, the last ending for either Eleven or Hopper is speculated as to the show’s emotional turn of events.

So expect the unexpected cause we are also running on assumptions just like you as it will take a few seconds to trash the theories you speculated a year ago.

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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