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Sebastian Stan Cancelled? What Is The Twitter Trend All About?

They may play some of the most beloved heroes on the big screen, but several Marvel stars have set fire to social media in recent months for various reasons. Remember when Evangeline Lilly of Ant-Man reduced her risk of coronavirus some time ago? Well, the last Buckie Barnes to be on the bench is Sebastian Stan himself.

What Is The Twitter Trend All About?

Following the return of his roles in Disney Plus’s The Falcon and Winter Soldier, Stan was embroiled in a controversy on Twitter, leading to the national hashtag #sebastianstanisoverparty. The storm was killed by an Instagram post by actor’s partner Alejandra Oniva dressed as Geisha to appear at an Asian-themed costume party.

When fans criticized the content of the photo as “racist”, both Oneida and Stan began to liberally block people instead of apologizing later. And suffice it to say that only due to more problems, fans must now cancel the MCU star. Of course, Stan and Oniva have also come under fire recently for their decision to go on vacation to Spain, despite the world being under the control of an epidemic. His visit was particularly criticized after Starr first commented that he hadn’t imagined leaving New York during the COVID-19 quarantine.

Other Details!

Meanwhile, Falcon and Winter Soldier, starring Sebastian Stan, along with Anthony Mackie, are expected to resume production soon. It is unknown when it will finally arrive at Disney Plus, but we imagine that we will have at least the first half of this year, if not everything.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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