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Robert De Niro: This Colleague Brought Him To ‘Joker’

Robert De Niro was persuaded by one of his colleagues to star him in Joker.

Bradley Cooper Convinced Him

Bradley Cooper convinced the 76 -year-old Robert De Niro to star in Joker.

The 76-year-old veteran screen star was not sure the movie was appropriate for him until he learned his actor friend was involved as a producer.

The 76-year-old said that ‘I met Todd Phillips, the director of Joker, and I liked him. I imagined, ‘This will be an exciting project.’ Bradley was one of the producers of the movie, and he advised me to do it.’

Robert De Niro has worked with Bradley Cooper in four films, which are Limitless, critically acclaimed Silver Linings Playbook, Joy, and American Hustle. He is deeply fascinated with the way his younger colleague, who won many accolades for his 2018 directorial effort A Star Is Born starring Lady Gaga, manages on set.

“He is truly terrific,” The Irishman star spoke of Bradley Cooper. “What he did with the movie A Star Is Born, the way he managed on it quietly by himself, put it together, noticed the right actors, the accurate people?.?.?.? When you know what you desire to do, that’s an excellent thing, and you know it will be special.”

Joker Winning Awards

Bradley Cooper has led in another award-winning project for De Niro with 2019 release Joker, which has already won two Golden Globes for Best Original Score by Hildur Guonadottir and Best Actor for leading man Joaquin Phoenix who acted as Joker.

Robert De Niro has his own very special prizegiving to look ahead to this week, though, as he is the receiver of the Screen Actors Guild’s Life Achievement Award, which will be given to him at the SAG Awards by his two-time co-star Leonardo DiCaprio.

The 76-year-old actor smiled and said that “When people in your profession recognize you in this form, it’s an honor.”

The 26th Screen Actors Guild Awards will take place at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on Sunday, 19 January 2024.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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