
3 Plastic Machining Tips And Guidelines For Beginners

This process represents an advanced model of plastic reshaping and editing for different types of needs. It is quite common in many industries today. The most important part of the process is to get the right tools and hire people with experience. If you need assistance in this area, the best way is to hire professionals for plastic machining.

Since there are different types of plastic and other materials, along with different machines and settings that have to be used in processing, learning more about all these details is essential. In that matter, we are going to introduce you to the most important tips and guidelines for plastic machining for beginners.

1. Learn More About Different Materials


One of the most important things to know is that you cannot use the same process for any type of material and product. Therefore, you will have to learn more about their features and how they will react during the process. Here are the most common materials and their main features.


Many products are made with this type of plastic. The main benefit is higher resistance to heat and physical damage. The operating temperature during the production should be between 40 and 100 degrees Celsius. However, you have to be aware that the melting will be more frequent when the temperature reaches 50 degrees. Also, due to lower resistance at higher temperatures, you should avoid any sort of friction.


The range for required temperature during production is the same as for ABS. The great thing is that this material is highly resistant to water, which is the main reason why it is one of the most common options in the production of windows and doors.

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The best thing about this option is flexibility. Also, it is quite affordable, which is one of the main reasons for its higher popularity. Besides that, recycle process is much easier. When it comes to challenges, the materials made with it are not flexible and additional changes could lead to physical damage.


If you are looking for a stronger option needed as part of some parts and materials, this is an excellent choice since it is one of the stronger types of plastic. Also, it is easier to apply various processes like cutting and bending, and it comes in a wide range of colors.


The most common use of this material is in the textile industry. It is safe for people to wear clothes made of it, while there are some great benefits like water resistance, and more. When it comes to processing, keep in mind that it is not highly resistant to heat and that cutting can lead to melting.


This is another material where low cost is one of the main benefits. Also, it can be implemented in various industries like in the production of clothes, hiking equipment, tape, and more. You should use slower speed options when you are processing this type of material.


The implementation of this material is especially important for the automotive industry, companies that are producing various electric components, and similar industries. The main feature is that it shares a lot of similarities with aluminum while being much cheaper.


There is wide use of this material in modern industries and the production of alternative glass, LED screens, medical equipment, furniture, paint, and much more. It has a higher resistance to heat, which makes it great for more complex processing and adding more details.

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2. Choose the Right Tool


When you learn more about the details of materials, it will be easier to choose the right one for the production of selected products. However, you will have to choose the right tools as well. The key is to implement those tools that won’t lead to damage to the plastic. One of the most common options is a Scroll Saw, which can be applied to most types of plastic.

If you are looking for higher safety, a table saw is the best option. Moreover, you can also use the band version, and the main advantage is that there won’t be any mess around the machine since it will prevent the spreading of particles. If you want to apply smaller cuts, the right choice would be to use a jigsaw. On the other side, you can reach a much higher accuracy by using the drill press.

3. Apply the Right Process

As you can see, choosing the right tools is essential because not all types of plastics will react the same. Moreover, you will have to learn more about applying different types of processes in the right way. For example, you have to be gentle when cutting the material so you can avoid melting, breaking, and other issues.

When it comes to drilling, be sure to choose the right speed and pressure for the selected type of plastic so you can avoid the same problems. There are recommended settings for all kinds of materials when you want to apply automation processes like milling. The same is when you want to cut them with a laser.

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The Bottom Line

As you can see, the key is to learn more about all kinds of materials and their main features so you can choose the right ones for a selected type of product in your company. Besides the proper selection, it is also important to select the right process that is used to apply certain changes to plastic.

In the end, there are guidelines for any process and material. Still, following them is not so simple. It requires skills and experience in this area. Therefore, simply buying a machine and expecting that you can create high-quality materials is not a great idea if you don’t have the right knowledge.

In that matter, if you need this process in your company, but you lack tools and people skilled in this area, the best solution would be to hire the right support. There are services where you can order parts instead of buying machines for processing as well.

What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane