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On Duty Boston Police Officer Molested Two Women While Taking Them On Ride


A former policeman is facing molestation charges after he was accused of molesting two women in his cop car while on duty.

Shawn McCarthy, from Boston, purportedly told the victims he would take them for a ride in his cruiser and drove the women around with the car lights flashing.

He reportedly stopped in an empty lot so the women could relieve themselves and told them that he hadn’t endangered his job for nothing and he would not take them back city until he got something out of it.

McCarthy, who worked for Boston transportation police, then allegedly molested them and forced them to perform lewd acts.


The concerned incident happened in 2012 outside the Aquarium MBTA station, but the victims, who were in their 20s at the time, were told not to tell anyone what happened.

One of them, however, conversed about what had happened in August 2019 while she was answering questions as a candidate for a Police job in a different area.

The women stated that they feared to get in trouble and had no choice but to submit as McCarthy subjected them to physical acts.

McCarthy revealed that he had two women in the cruiser on the night in question but denied any kind of physical activity. He was put on departmental leave in December 2019 and quit soon after that.


McCarthy was arraigned Thursday on molestation charges after a unique Suffolk Superior Court grand jury was reassembled this week to finish a series of cases it had heard before the COVID-19 pandemic.

McCarthy was released on circumstances that he has no contact with the victims or other witnesses and receive approval to travel outside Massachusetts.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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