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Officials Searching For 16-Year-Old Missing Girl Might Be In Extreme Danger

A teen girl who went missing is in extreme danger

Police in Avon, Indiana, is looking for a 16-year-old who, according to sources, is in “extreme danger”.

Christina Owen was last seen on Wednesday around 2 p.m., the Hendrix County Sheriff said in a statement.

Description of the girl:

She is described as 5 feet 10 inches tall, around 190 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. When she was last seen, she was wearing dark glasses, a gray hoodie, black shorts, and black tennis shoes.

The sheriff’s office said Christine may need medical attention.

The officers are investigating the case. They are interviewing the family members, her friends, and relatives.

The family has not received any ransom call yet. The officers have sent the description of the girl to other police stations too.

The family suspects none as for now.

Officers are seeking help from neighbors too. Anyone with the information should immediately contact Indiana police.

This is a developing story. We will keep updating you with the latest news.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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