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North Carolina Woman Brutally Beaten After She Tried To Kidnap Child In Public Bathroom


A woman from Charlotte, North Carolina, was brutally attacked by a mother after the intruder purportedly attempted to kidnap a child inside of a public bathroom. It is learned that the police are looking to speak to the mother and the alleged kidnapper, to find out exactly what happened.

Incident In Brief

It all started when an insane woman started speaking to a 3-year-old girl while inside a public bathroom. The mother of the baby attempted to get the woman to stop harassing the scared child, but the crazy woman denied to stop.

Then the deranged woman started calling for the child to come to her so that she could take the toddler with her.

The mother then manipulated into heat and started beating the deranged woman.

Eventually, Observers pulled the protective mother off of the woman, and both ladies were allowed to leave.

Women Left The Scene

Later, police arrived on the scene and interviewed witnesses, but both women had left.

The police are now looking to question both women.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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