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Netflix Has Acquired Moesha, Girlfriends, Sister- Sister And Many Others

We all have a special corner in our hearts for those old television sitcoms and shows that made our 90s era a nostalgia one. There was definitely something unique about those shows and films because the content created during those times cannot be beaten by today’s content.

And this is surely everyone would be agreeing to. And so many of us or almost all of us still love to deliberately and willingly love to watch those old yet classic sitcoms again and again to reminisce those rolling days. Isn’t it!

Netflix’s Efforts To Make This Pandemic Survival

We all have playlists made in our music apps to re-listen the songs of the golden era and the same is the case with these classic sitcoms as well. And now there is some really good news coming your way as the leading and the largest online streaming giant Netflix is trying to make our quarantine and 2024 still survivable as it is all set to bring back some classic sitcoms of the 90s era once again for its dear viewers.

Black Comedies
Source: Netflix

The Show Does Not Support Racism

Ohh yay!! It’s the good days that are rolling again. And all of these shows are mainly Black people led shows which include Sister- Sister, Girlfriends, Moesha and a lot of other shows. However, there is no exact date turned out by Netflix but it has announced that they would be launched throughout the month of September. So we are already wishing you a Happy September in advance.

The Show Is Based On 90s Era 

We know that whatever we are consuming in today’s time be it from fashion to a show’s content to music everything of it has been inspired and adapted from the 90s era which serves as the foundation for a new era. And it is going to be a blast to rewatch our old classic sitcoms once again.

And we feel that this is the right time to bring these shows back, as we remember that after the brutal murder of George Floyd there was anger and protests all over the world, especially in the American continent with the slogans of Black Lives Matter.

So launching these Black-led sitcoms could have even a deeper impact on people to respect each and every human. So guys, let the countdown begin and share this news with more and more in your group to watch it as soon as it drops on your screens.

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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