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Ms. Marvel: New Characters For The Upcoming Disney+ Series

Here is what we know about the project, Ms. Marvel, and its other updates!

Well, well, well, as of right now, it is pretty safe to say that the slate meant for the Marvel Cinematic Universe is all ready to take a potential shape. This speculation comes after the release of some major announcements about the cast members and other sorts of details that are coming into place for their roster of films as well as the shows on Disney Plus.

One of the episodes on the slate of the studios is definitely going to be Ms. Marvel which is officially going to bring Kamala Khan into a project which is based on life and action. All this while, the majority of the details about the series remain as a mystery and this includes the quest for the actress in the titular role.

Kamala Khan - Wikipedia

A casting call has been made for employing people in Ms. Marvel!

All this while, a new report has provided light on some of the supporting characters who are going to join the show. Reports have been let out by the Multiverse of Murphy that a casting call has surfaced for the series which calls for a young white actress whose age is between 16 to 20 years as well as a Black actress whose age is between 27 to 33 years.

While such types of casting calls generally employ the usage of code names, many people are speculating that these calls are actually for one of the friends of Kamala called Zoe Zimmer along with her eventual sister in law which is Tyesha Hillman.

Here is what the story of Ms. Marvel is all about!

In the comic books for Ms. Marvel, Zoe is actually the most popular girl in high school and she is the very first person on whom Kamala her Ms. Marvel powers to save. As the story happens, Zoe becomes a pivotal member of the crew of Kamala.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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