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Money Heist Season 5: Denver To Die Next! Alicia Is Berlin’s Wife! And Other Theories

As well we known that Alicia has committed some hate crimes, including the torture of Rio, using Nairobi’s son Axel involves shooting and questioning her to Lisbon more time than necessary. However, her crimes were eventually exposed and she was fired from the police department, leading her to hunt down Professor for revenge in the latest instalment of the fourth season of Money Heist.

However, despite having an advantage over the Professor, viewers are concerned about their fate in the upcoming series. Alicia has been hated for so long and after her horrible behaviour towards the gang, the teacher is unlikely to want to cooperate.


  • Berlin is alive and will return in the next season: According to one theory, he was wearing a vest in Berlin when the police shot him at the end of season 2. Also, this season he saw a lot of Berlin wedding flashbacks. All this leads to the possibility that Berlin is not dead.
  • Tokyo is the only member of a gang that ultimately survives: As of season 1, the entire show is narrated only by Tokyo. Fans believe this may be because she is the only member of a gang that has survived all of the heirs and is missing out on everything.
  • Alicia is a Berlin Wife: we all know that Berlin suffered from a mysterious illness. In season 4, Alicia revealed that her husband, German, died of cancer. He also told Raquel that his last words were: “Turn on the news.”

Money Heist Season 5: Alicia Sierra is Tatiana aka Berlin's wife ...


  • All of this leads fans to believe that there is some connection between Alice and Berlin. And a popular theory is that Berlin maybe her husband. Another connection fans are seeing here is that Berlin is the capital of Germany, and Alicia’s husband’s name was also ‘German’.
  • Denver to Die to Next: Fans seem to think Rio secretly teamed up with Alicia when she was questioned at the start of the third season. Viewers see Alicia treating Rio almost like a girl at times, as she gives him clothes and gives him cups of coffee. However, when Rio reunites with the gang, he reveals that he was held in a small cell and was unable to sleep for long.

La Casa De Papel 'Money Heist' Season 5: After Berlin, Moscow And ...


  • He also revealed that he was buried alive and wondered how his life would end. But fans feel that Rio is lying about his experience and working with Alicia in exchange for his freedom. Therefore, Money Heist Season 1 to Season 4 is available on Netflix.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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