
Luke Cage: Is Season 3 Happening Or Not? Here’s What Creators Planned For It

It’s been a long time when the second run of a Marvel series called Luke Cage appeared on the Netflix streaming project. Long after the release, fans didn’t mention the third season and are still anticipating it. They are respectfully asking if they will get the third race in the series. So we’ve thought about the latest news on Luke Cage season 3, Scroll-up here and keep checking:

Season 3 renewal status?

Sad news for all, as the Netflix streaming system has not restored the Luke Cage series for season three and has decided to drop it after only two seasons. The streaming show announced the series’ cancellation on October 19, 2018.

As a result, the Luke series does not return with a third season on Netflix. During the hour of the cancellation, Marvel and Netflix stated that Luke Cage would not be returning for a third season and that they were energetic with the people who strengthened the show. As well we have known that the scenario also canceled another serval Marvel series besides Luke Cage: Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, The Punisher. Read here to know why the series got canceled by the streaming platform.

Why the series was canceled?

At the time of the cancellation, the Luke Cage series was depicted as being dropped due to inventive differences, and Marvel and Netflix did not reach a specific decision for the third season. Although, in fact, the explanation is Disney, the studio existed when it was preparing to launch on its Disney + platform.

Luke Cage Season 3 Cancelled: Why was it cancelled, cast reactions ...


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So, the Marvel-Disney parent association decided to remove all Marvel shows and images from the Netflix streaming show. They all brought up the reason behind canceling the Netflix show as Marvel did. Later, there are still opportunities for Luke Cage to appear in Marvel images or shows as indicated by sources. In 2016, Marvel collaborated with Netflix to create a series called Luke Cage. The suspense series is loaded by the Marvel Comics character. It is produced by Cheo Hodari Coker and broadcast by A Mazda Mashaka Croal, Gail Barringer, and Akela Cooper, respectively.

What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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