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Lucifer Season 5: Showrunner Ildy Modrovich Says She Was Very Nervous For Introducing God

Naturally, the heavenly arrival was just the right time to close the first half of the fifth season, leaving viewers wondering why he would finally decide to appear after all these years. Finally, reaching out to God in Lucifer season 5 was something very important for the fans and for the creative team. After the build-up season, there were expectations that many viewers would be so elusive and omnipotent. While speaking to TVLine, Ildy Modrovich revealed why Bringing God was such a cowardly decision.  Read it here.

Showrunner Ildy Modrovich Says She Was Very Nervous!! Why?

From the beginning of season 1, we said we would never go to hell and we said we will never have God. And is this mainly because he is the man in this mystery? Lucifer has always been about characters who interpret that their intentions are actually the opposite of the guy who is able to tell you the right thing, but we think we can see him walking a fine line. He succeeded, and at the same time, we will know who he is.

Why Lucifer Showrunner Was 'Nervous' About Introducing God In ...


In fact, God was always portrayed as the evil father figure to be blamed on Lucifer. Sometimes Satan was surprised to wonder what the motive was for his father’s decisions and whether it was a test or a great joke at the expense of his offspring. The coming of God means that he can now speak for himself instead of doing the wrong things done for his children. And who wouldn’t want to know 24 things explained by vet Dennis Herbert’s reassuring voice?

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They revealed that fans sure feel like not all questions about what God has done have been answered, but they think it’s okay because the mysterious part should still remain intact.  And although the actor was on screen for only a few seconds, Herbert’s presence was, well, divine. In any case, the long-awaited introduction of God could eventually turn off Lucifer of some kind after having a one-sided relationship for so long.

There is so much to hold onto the father-son duo but that part of the season 5 finale will be expanded and further explored as the story of season 6. Lucifer Season 5 is currently streaming on Netflix. The second half of the season doesn’t have a premiere date yet, but stay tuned with us for updates.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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