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Love, Death And Robots: Will There Be A Season 2 On Netflix?

Throughout the years, Netflix has been seeking to break new ground by translating popular stories to a small screen and producing incomparable material for its subscribers. The series Love, Death, and Robots is a latter group.

Netflix’s Love, Death, and Robots is an adult animated series of short films ranging from a few minutes to more than 15 minutes, each episode is an original story, focused mainly on science fiction. Even after Tim Miller and David Fincher struggled to produce their heavy metal film, the idea became Love, Death, and Robots, and Netflix became the only company willing to fund the project.

Season 1 of Love, Death, and Robots had 18 episodes released by March 2019, and now fans of the show look forward to more stories in season 2 of Love, Death, and Robots–but much remains unclear about the future Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix.

Renewal Status:

Netflix announced on 10 June 2019 that the show would return for a second season. Unfortunately, in his promotional video to promote the new show, he used only the previous season 1 clip.

Amid the renewal, we are also aware that Jennifer Yuh Nelson, who led Kung Fu Panda 3, joins the team as Supervising Director for season 2.

We still aren’t sure which studios will be back for the new series.

Release Date:

We don’t expect to see season 2 for a while, considering how long it took us to make the first season of Passion, Death & Robots. This is because of the number of studios working on episodes and the massive challenge of getting it together.

In February 2024, reports were able to write an interview with one of the composers, Rob Cairns, who provided insight into season 2 production and said: “I saw some Season 2 scripts and started discussions with directors and started sound play.”

We think the earliest we can see in the second year of Life, Death & Robots will be in late 2024, but our safe bet will be in early 2024, about two years after the first premiere.


We don’t foresee a season 2 trailer anytime long. It looks like we have to wait for an official announcement about future release dates and season 2 episodes.

Expected Plot Details:

Episodes of alien life, death, post-apocalyptic world, and horror were the theme of the first seasons. And although the second season plot remains unclear, the show will possibly continue in the same way.


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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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