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Lord Of The Rings Star Ian Holm Dies

Famous Actor Ian Holm Passes Away From at the age of 88. A theatrical actor with a wide range, Holm was a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon from its inception in 1960, but quickly moved onto the screen, appearing on the BBC since the mid-1960s. Holm also starred. Short film roles in the 1960s and 1970s, before rising to fame as Android Ash in Ridley Scott’s 1979 atmospheric horror alien.

Lord Of the Rings Online Players Pay Tribute To Life Of Actor Ian Holm


Holm then directed Frodo Baggins in BBC Radio adaptations in 1981 and garnered praise for the role of athletic trainer Sam Musabini in Chariots of Fire in the same year. He took BAFTA home and was nominated for an Oscar for the role. He played Napoleon three times in the 1980s and 1990s and continued to work on Luke Besson’s fifth science fiction element. He was knighted in 1997. Holm returned to Middle-earth to play Bilbo Baggins in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. He also appeared in The Hobbit Trilogy, playing the role of Old Baggins, directed by Martin Freeman.

A talented actor who brought a considerable presence to the fun…!!

According to a source, Holm died peacefully in England on Friday morning, June 19, from causes related to Parkinson’s disease. His agent confirmed the news, saying he was surrounded by his family and caregiver, and that “they would miss him immensely.” His comrades began receiving tributes to the fallen actor, and director Edgar Wright posted on Twitter that Holm was “a talented actor who brought a considerable presence to the fun, heartbreaking, and intimidating parts.”

Holm had become ill in recent years, delayed his public appearance, and retired from the screen after the final Hobbit movie. He was unable to attend the Lord of the Rings cast meeting hosted by Josh Gad due to his poor health, and stated in his apology, “I was locked up in my hobbit home, or Holm.” Holm’s legacy will remain in his work. He had 137 on-screen credits and will be remembered by generations for his iconic roles, be it his creepy role as Ash in Alien, his smooth performance as Bilbo, or his powerful performance on stage.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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