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9 Lawn Care Tips And Mistakes all Beginners Should Know

Caring for the first lawn is the best feeling. You have worked on this, and now it is under your feet and in your hands. By learning how to take care of your lawn, you can see your plans for thick turf, lush, and backyard entertaining come true. Take one lawn task at a time, and work through these lawn care basics.

1. Know The Soil

While talking about turf, what happens above the ground reflects what’s underneath. Take help from the professional and test what type of soil it is, so you know your starting point of essentials like soil pH.

You can take soil samples yourself. Include samples separately of problem spots like bare areas or sections with unwanted law moss. Let the professionals know you are testing; they can recommend getting the lawn on track.

2. Fix The Issues


With the results in hand, turn recommendations into projects. It is time to correct the issues; make sure not to repeat the risks. Use soil amendments as per the recommendation from the lab to improve the lawn.

Take a dig on tough spots first, and then repair the patches. If there are pets in the house, there might be some damage because of the pet. But you don’t need to worry; happy dogs and lawns can go hand in hand.

3. Know Which Grass Suits Your Location

Grasses suited to their growing region have exceptional laws. Like shrubs or garden flowers, turfgrasses go as per the climate and tolerances for shade, drought, and other conditions. One benefit of choosing seed over sod is the type of grass varieties with specific qualities, from texture to durability for bare feet.

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In the winter months, like Kentucky bluegrass, grasses peak during cool temperatures in spring and fall. They flourish the most in the Northern zones. Grasses in summers like Bermudagrass excel in warmer climates and summer heat. Region-appropriate lawn grasses need less water and other resources, including maintenance time.

4. Ensure To Seed Right


It doesn’t matter if you are seeding new areas or the older ones, thickening existing grass or overseeding the lawn; timing is essential. Plant seeding to mix it with seasonal grass growth and when the grass can be planted. Ensure to seed properly, and avoid seeding mistakes that many owners make.

Take your time to know the seed tag and who’s behind that seed. Many companies sell seeds purchased from the open market, and the contents might surprise you. But with the premium ones like purebred Pennington Smart Seed, you can purchase the best grass seed with confidence and enjoy premium lawn and increased resistance to diseases, drought, and insect pests.

5. Take Care Of Grasses

Grasses need proper nutrition as well. Nitrogen is primarily important to keep the lawn vibrant, lush and green. The soil test results will recommend how many pounds of nitrogen a lawn needs annually, based on the organic matter and other considerations. The numbers on fertilizer labels indicate the percentage of actual nitrogen and other nutrients so that product can be matched as per your needs. Make sure to be careful, though; feeding a lot and too often can do more harm than good. Establish a schedule of feeding, and stick to it.

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6. Fight Lawn Weeds


Even if the plant is fresh, lawns usually inherit weeds and seeds. Weed competes with grasses for water, nutrients, and light. Get to know which common weeds are found in lawns and how to kill broadleaf weeds to avoid repeated treatments’ expense and labor.

Avoid planting pre-emergent weed controls like crabgrass preventers and combination weed-and-feed fertilizers anywhere while planting a new seed. These are designed to keep weeds from germinating and rooting properly, but they can similarly work against grass seeds. Take a toll on tough turf weeds with effective spot treatments.

7. Mow For Health And Height

The best practices should be followed for lawn mowing, and mow is based on the grass growth, not days. Mowing varies as per the type of grass and season. Some grasses like Bermudagrass are better kept short, while others need height.

Change mowing heights gradually over individual sessions. Never remove more than one-third of the blade length at a time, or there is a risk of inhibiting good growth above and below ground. Make tasks simple and less time-consuming with the help of the right turf tools for the job, based on the size of the lawn and goals.

8. Manage Water Wisely


Lawn grasses grow best when they are watered well in intervals. Frequent and shallow watering encourages shallow roots susceptible to drought and other stress. By managing water with grass varieties, you can reduce consumption, grow healthier, and save on bills, which leads to more resilient grass.

9. Boost Lawn

Put your lawn on the fast track for thicker growth. The all-in-one solution combines lawn care steps and products, so you get time-enhanced smart seed, soil enhancer, and a professional-grade fertilizer in a premixed and simple-to-use formula. It guarantees that your lawn will grow thicker, quicker, and greener than ordinary seeds in just one application.

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With the booster, your lawn benefits from all the beauty and sustainability of water-conserving smart seed. Once established, the grasses will remain green for three weeks without the need for water. Nitrogen stabilized fertilizer protects against nitrogen loss to the environment, so the grass gets continuous feeding for 2 months. The seed also germinates better, and the overall texture and color of the lawn improve without the need for extra fertilizer input on your part. Additionally, soil-enhancing gypsum in this combining product improves the condition and health of the soil, which allows the seed to root better and flourish from the beginning.


If caring for a lawn feels overwhelming, or you are not getting the results you need, have a certified specialist come over and take a look. It is better to ask for help from a professional before the problem gets completely out of control.

What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane