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Know Why Google Is Making Fun of Apple After The Company Introduced New features In iOS 14

Apple turned out iOS 14 to all iPhone clients over the world this week.

Similar to the case each year, the most recent form of iOS brings a huge number of new highlights. Furthermore, again what happens each year is that Apple is frequently ‘charged’ and ridiculed for getting highlights in iOS, which have been around in Android for some time now. This year is the same — both as far as new highlights and Apple getting Android-like highlights. In any case, this time around, making jokes about Apple is, as a matter of fact, its adversary — Google.

In a tweet posted by Made by Google account

The organization attacked Apple’s home screen gadgets highlight. “Pause, we’re discussing home screens now? Here’s our own #Pixel4a,” read the tweet.

Google didn’t stop exactly at the tweet as the image had some more shots at Apple. The two gadgets in the image posted in the tweet by Google are as a schedule notice. One warning peruses, “Acknowledge we’ve had gadgets 4ever,” while the other peruses, “Tell the world” on the Pixel 4a.

Home screen gadgets have been around on Android for a long while now. Indeed, you should return to Android Cupcake — perhaps the soonest form — to find that Google presented Widgets such a long time ago. So truly, Google has a reasonable point in making this burrow at Apple.

Not that Apple has shied in the past from taking burrows at Google.

One point where Apple is continually taking backhanded burrows at Google — and Facebook — is security and how it guards client information than different organizations. Discussing the security, with iOS 14, Apple has raised the stakes with a few new highlights that will shield outsider sites from following client information.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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