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I Am Not Okay With This: Season 2? Renewed? Here Are The Latest Updates

I am not okay with this is inspired by Charles Forsman’s book, with the same title and was released on Feb 26, 2024, on Netflix. The series received numerous fame in a couple of days and gave a little suspense in the last episode, and made the watchers excited for season 2. Here are the latest updates for season 2 (plot, cast & release date).

Cast for “I am not okay with this” season 2

All the main cast of season 1 is supposed to be returned for the second season which includes Sophia Willis as Sydney(the main character), Wyatt Oleff as Stanley Barber, Rose Perkins as Maggie, Aidan Wojtak- Hissong as Liam, and Sofia Bryant as Dyna, etc etc.

Plot for “I am not okay with this” season 2

I am not okay with this tells about a teen girl who got some kind of superpowers and struggles to keep stability with her personal and social life along with amazing powers. Season 1 was simply indicating about the introduction of Sydney (the girl with superpowers). It created suspense in fans regarding her dad’s identity and her connection with Dina.

Taking the season 1 as an introduction, we can assume this story is too long. The upcoming season can tell a lot of her superpowers and erase the suspense of the fans.

The release date for I am not okay with this” season 2

The second season may take some time to get released as considering the ongoing pandemic and also the short span after the release of season 1.

No Official date is declared and also shooting is closed. Fans have to remain for season 2 and have to live with the unanswered questions of the previous season.

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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