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Florida’s Police Officer Donates His Kidneys To Her Co-Worker

Jesse Mesa was diagnosed with Lupus in 2004 and told that she had five years to live. But with the grace of the god by 2018, she beat those odds and a period of thyroid cancer. But she was informed that she needed a new kidney if she desired to see her two young sons graduate, get married, and have kids one day.

Mesa was a dispatcher for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. After blowing out on one kidney donor due to health difficulties and putting her search on pause to help her boyfriend heal from a heart attack, Mesa sent out an email to the whole staff of 5,000 this year as a last-ditch attempt.

In it, she requested for a “kidney brother or sister” who might think of helping her.

A fellow dispatcher who hardly knew Mesa, Amber Savoie, miraculously answered the call within an hour.

On December 12, Mesa got her very first presentation of the holiday season, which is the one she has desired for over a decade. 40-year-old Mesa said that “It’s the epitome of Christmas.” 

Savoie, who remains calm about her kindness, revealed that she didn’t have much of a connection with Mesa before she determined to give her such a meaningful gift.

Savoie stated that she works the night dispatch shift at PBSO while the 40-year-old worked the day shift. The two hardly saw each other at 6 a.m. when Savoie was leaving work, and Mesa was arriving to work.

“I knew her,” Savoie stated. “But it was not like we were best friends.”

When questioned what forced her to give such a gift to Mesa, Savoie stated, “It’s just sort of the way I am.” She continued that she knew Mesa had young kids that she desired to see grow up. “If I could support, I desired to.”

Mesa stated that it took her longer than a month even to send out the email to the PBSO staff. As a dispatcher, she said, her character is to help others, not request for help.

After the mail was sent out, responses flooded in, but Savoie was the only one who had the matching O blood type Mesa required.

Mesa stated she sent a link to Savoie describing the next steps in the process, which included series of examinations and tens of blood tests at the Cleveland Medical Clinic to assure her kidney would operate in Mesa’s body.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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