The final Space follows the journey of astronauts Gary and Alien Mooncake, who travel to the galaxy in an attempt to seek an end to the universe. The Adult Swim and Netflix series originally hit our screens in 2018 and were remade last year. The popular animated series is created by Olan Rogers. Can we expect a third season for the series? Here’s everything we know!
Final Space season 3: Release Date
Final Space will return to Adult Swim and Netflix for the third season. However, the official release date has yet to be confirmed. The show was confirmed for a third season in September, ending the series two or a week earlier. The first season of Final Space had only 10 episodes.
However, in the second series, there were an additional 13, so we should expect to see almost identical episodes in the upcoming season. The first was shown in February 2018, while the second debuted in June. The previous season was renewed in May 2018 and launched almost a year later, so we should expect to see three series in September.
Final Space season 3: Plotline
Mooncake had lost all of her powers. But Gary’s immense love for her brings him back. In the third season, we can expect to see if Lord Commander will continue to be Mooncake in the next season. With exciting twists and turns, we will know what will happen to the incredible universe created by Olan. The story will be more space is driven and less planet driven. We are confident that history will put us on the edge of our seats, which we cannot expect.
Final Space season 3: Cast
The cast for the voicing of Final Space season 3 may include:
- Olan Rogers
- Jane Lynch
- Tom Kenny
- Fred Armisen
- David Tennant
- Steven Yeun
- Tika Sumpter
- Keith David
- Ashly Burch
- Ron Funches