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Disney Making Character Face Masks For The Sake Of Charity

Disney is here to help, they are always known for its incredible movies and their loving and kind behavior towards the world, in these tough times we see Disney is making some adorable masks.

The masks feature characters like Mickey Mouse, Avengers, Baby Yoda, Star Wars and we would like to buy all of these adorable colorful looking masks.

Disney has made non-medical, reusable cloth masks featuring all of our favorite characters.

It is essential to cover our mouths with a mask at all times when we step outside, the pandemic situation is still at its peak, and we would request all our readers to stay safe and take adequate precautions.


Disney has not only made these adorable masks, but they are also donating all the money earned by selling these masks would be given to charities, we are delighted with their initiative, and we wish them luck.

Edward Park, senior vice president of Disney store, released a statement saying, ‘We realize this is a challenging time for families, and wearing any type of mask can be daunting.’

He also said that the reason behind the creation of these masks is that families can be cheered by wearing these masks as it will keep them close to their favorite characters.


For all of the fans who want these masks and contribute to a good initiative can head to their website as they are available for pre-order.

The masks are available for $19.99 for a four-pack, come in small, medium, and large sizes.

Disney is also going to Donate one million masks to less fortunate families in many US states.

We will keep you updated with more news on the coronavirus situation until then stay home, stay safe, and continue reading!

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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