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Daredevil: MCU Debut Confirmed! This Is What Will Happen!

Good news for Fearless Man fans. Thanks to the Save Daredevil campaign, the blind superhero will join the Marvel Universe in six months, after spending three seasons and a spin-off, The Defenders, on Netflix.

Save Daredevil’s Instagram account shared a commemorative message for 18 months after the completion of Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix, to show their appreciation to the more than 355,000 fans who have signed the petition for the character to have a second chance at UCM.

They thank the publication. “We hope that the next six months will pass quickly until the end of the two-year moratorium with Netflix and with your help.”

Although Daredevil’s three seasons were a success on Netflix, monopolizing thousands of fans for the character, the series was canceled along with the rest of Marvel projects for the streaming service, such as The Punisher, Jessica Jones or Luke Cage. And since then, the fandom has wondered if Matt Murdock will ever join Spider-Man, The Avengers, and company.

7 Marvel Heroes Daredevil Could Team Up With In The MCU - CINEMABLEND
Source: Cinemablend

When the series was canceled, a clause with Netflix explained that the protagonists could not join UCM until two years after its cancellation. This means that Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, the first canceled series, could be the first to join Marvel, followed by Iron Fist and Daredevil himself. The Punisher, however, canceled in 2019, would have to wait until 2024.

The closure of Daredevil has been one of the most commented in recent years, since actress Amy Rutberg (Marci Stahl), assured that the cancellation was a great surprise since she had put a lot of effort in the 4th season and had even predictions that there would be a fifth, with a final showdown between Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) and Kingpin (Vincent D’Onofrio).

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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