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Bioshock: We Need A TV Show! Here’s Why

Actor Jack Quaid, one of the great stars of the spectacular The Boys, says that a Bioshock series is a great idea, and we support him from here.

Before, we dreamed that the best video games would become movies, but after some questionable quality results, perhaps they should exploit the theme of television series more, and Bioshock certainly deserves that opportunity. Although it is also true that Sonic and Pokémon: Detective Pikachu movies have raised the level. There are also many expectations for the adaptations of Uncharted and Mario Bros animation, so it seems that things are changing, and Hollywood is getting more right.

Jack Quaid Spoke In A Recent Interview About His Desire To See Bioshock On Screens:

“I think they should do a TV show with Bioshock. The movie is too small. I mean, I literally have the hook of heaven here, but Infinite is good. I think it’s more straightforward and more enjoyable with the first one. And Minerva’s Den in two is incredible, but yes, they have to do it one day.”

Bioshock is a trilogy of video games that have left a lasting memory for gamers around the world. But a TV series is definitely the only way you can tell a story like Bioshock. A movie would not give you enough time to explore the companies represented and all their background. Since it is precisely one of the great charms of the game, if you just start shooting without paying attention to details, you miss out on a great experience.

Starting off with Bioshock: Infinite would be something spectacular, but it’s more of a standalone story. The real twists and turns of that story were its exciting connections to the original Bioshock game. The plasmid technology powers at Columbia all come from Rapture, where the first game was set.

Would you like them to do a TV web series or a Bioshock movie?

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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