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Big Little Lies Season 3: What’s The Arrival Date And Its Story Leaks

Big Little Lies is the kind of show which has a strong female lead and this makes the show more impactful. A third season is speculated, and fans are counting on it.

Big Little Lies Season 3 Renewal

However, there is no onboard confirmation from the makers that there will be a third season or not. But it will likely to happen anyway as the cast already demanded the third season. So we will soon get the confirmation for a potential third season.

Big Little Lies Season 3 Release Date

Now the main concern is the release date of the third season; if we consider the release date pattern, then the show should have arrived this month. The first season was premiered in Feb 2017 and sequel aired in June 2018. But there’s much lethal around which impacted millions of lives and numerous businesses around the world. So Release date could be shifted more because of the incomplete filming schedule.

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Excited for you all to see tonight’s @biglittlelies. We’re coming down to the wire! ??

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  • Zoë Kravitz as Bonnie Carlson

  • Laura Dern as Renata Klein

  • Nicole Kidman as Celeste Wright

  • Shailene Woodley as Jane Chapman

  • Reese Witherspoon as Madeline Mackenzie


No confirmation means there is no scope for the trailer, and we are also counting on possible few minutes of next season. So the container will be available soon when there is a proper draft of confirmation of season 3.


Big Little Lies follows the same tradition in producing the no of episodes. Both seasons comprise seven events, and the third season will likely follow the same. However, we could see increasing numbers, but for now, it is capped at seven episodes.


However, predicting the plot for the third season is quite tricky as there is no such information regarding the third season. But if we are considering assumptions, then there could be more added in the cast, and the story would move forward after their appearance.

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Live in 3..2..1! @themorningshow is FINALLY here. And yes… all news anchors are really wearing fuzzy slippers under the desk. #TheMorningShow… available NOW on @appletv ☕️☀️

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Reese Witherspoon desperately wants her co-star Jennifer Lawrence, and on top of it, she also wants Jennifer Lopez on board. So both Jennifer could be tempted by Reese, or it’s just her wish which could not be completed at all.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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