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Big Bang Theory: All Girl Leonard Had Gone Out With! Including Penny

The fans of The Big Bang Theory have been so fascinated with Penny and Leonard’s evolution for 12 seasons that all of Leonard’s past connections have been forgotten. In essence, all of Leonard’s women have fallen before Penny. We all know that Leonard and Penny are meant to end together, but what about the women? Who were the other women with Leonard who should have been the center of his life?

#1. Penny

Penny and Leonard have a connection so deep that they’re going to finish together. Leonard loved Penny still. It wasn’t just her beauty that had hooked him up, and it was her willingness to be sweet, caring, compassionate — something his mother never got.

#2. Dr. Stephanie Barnett

Leonard and Stephanie may have met with rough terms — after all, she met Howard on a date — but they just seemed to set her off. What makes it even more fascinating is that Stephanie was just like a woman Sheldon. He was also interested in joining dates because he enjoyed her attitude and company.

#3. Priya

It is difficult to say whether Priya and Leonard had worked out long-term. After all, they were lined with plenty of chances. Priya was the sister of Raj, her parents wanted her to marry an Indian man, and she was in India. Priya and Leonard had been doomed from the beginning with family problems and the long distance.

#4. Leslie Winkle

Leslie worked with the guys at the university and worked in the same department as Leonard. They both had a similar tone, and on an analytical level, they respected each other, but there was no real passion between them. Leslie and Sheldon despised one another and hooked up with Howard.

#5. Alice

Alice was nothing more than a hit in the fifth season, but the two could be felt by the viewers profoundly. Both met in the comic book store, and finally, she gave Leonard her phone. There was only one problem: Priya was dating. Leonard followed his heart and, considering his relationship status, met Alice, and the two eventually came to his house.

#6. Mrs. Latham

In the fourth season, Leonard was single when he met Ms. Latham. Both met at a fundraiser in Caltech, where she was a significant donor for the university. Mrs. Latham was a beautiful and amazingly intimidating woman, but also Leonard’s Mother’s age.

#7. Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton

Dr. Plimpton came to Pasadena for an interview in Caltech and remained as one of Sheldon’s friends with Sheldon and Leonard. Leonard was already a fan of her work but was more interested when he saw how stunning she was. The two were heavy and hot before Leonard remembered that she wanted to sleep with Raj as well.

#8. Joy

For one episode, we only saw Joy, and it is enough to say that she and Leonard didn’t have more than two dates. Given her appearance, she had no dissatisfaction with her entire actions and personality.

#9. Joyce Kim

Joyce Kim’s name has always slipped down, but we just saw her flashbacks. She and Leonard had been working on a rocket fuel project for about a month.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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