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Atomic Blonde 2: Rumors Appear That Netflix Is Working On A Sequel, Is It True

The Atomic Blonde 2017 sequel, directed by David Leach and starring Charlize Theron, is reportedly working on Netflix.

Netflix is ​​reportedly developing a sequel to the spy vehicle Charlize Theron Atomic Blonde. According to the debate film, Theron will perform her duties and reprise her role as Lorraine Broughton.

Beth Kono is going to produce the sequel of The Atomic Blonde through her production company Denver and Delilah Productions.

In addition to the first Atomic Blonde, Denver and Delilah produced Bombshell and Long Shot starring Theron, and would also produce The Old Guard, an adaptation of the Greg Raqqa / Leandro Fernández comic, similarly Theron.

Based on Antony Johnson and Sam Hart’s The Coldest City graphic novel, Atomic Blonde takes place during the height of the Cold War and sees Lorraine Broughton traveling to Berlin to investigate the death of another agent. However, she is swept up in a web of deceit and betrayal along the way.

In August 2019, director David Leach confirmed that a sequel was being developed and said that “there is a streaming service,” although he stopped saying it was exclusively Netflix.

Directed by David Leach, Atomic Blonde stars

  • Charlize Theron
  • James McAvoy
  • Toby Jones
  • Eddie Marsan
  • Sophia Boutella
  • John Goodman

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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