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Arkansas 911 Dispatcher Berated A Woman As She Drowned Back In August, Cleared

Arkansas 911 dispatcher scolded a woman as she died back in August, it was cleared of all crime in a lately-completed internal report.

The  Fire Department and Fort Smith Police Department’s investigation possible indicates previous Fort Smith dispatcher Donna Reneau will not face accusations.

The 47 years old Debbie Stevens was caught as floodwaters girdled her SUV, asked for help ere her passing, and Reneau was her dispatcher.

Reneau granted her two weeks’ warning before her call with Stevens, and it was ostensibly her final day at the office, according to the reports.

Reneau could listen to telling Stevens to shut up and removing her awe that she would be getting lifeless. Stevens suffocated before first-person could make it to her vehicle, according to a source.

Throughout the emergency call, Reneau told Stevens, ‘You would not get lifeless. I don’t know why you’re freaking out.’ 

Reneau firstly could not determine Stevens’ location but intensified her call, a source reported. She also transmitted the fire department, describing the emergency as a water salvation call.

The dispatcher also learned to warn Stevens for driving in the dispatch flood, saying her, ‘This will guide you following time don’t drive in the water…how you didn’t see it, you had to go right over it.’

Besides, the authority decided that Reneau’s reaction that time would not have appeared in her end.

Fort Smith and Dean Pitts police officer director of administration composed in the statement that dispatchers need to be strict with angry callers, according to the source.

Reneau lamented some of the things she said Stevens before her drowning death, according to a report.

It composed, ‘She lamented saying her she was not going to die most of all, but she also lamented not being more kind and understanding.’

When Reneau was cleared of the crime, the internal report called for service in 911 dispatcher instruction and engaging.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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