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Aggretsuko: Season 3: When Will It Release And What Fans Need To Expect

Netflix is aware of its users, and the type of content the audience enjoys, opening-up to adult comedy shows has been a plus point for Netflix. The audience has been enjoying shows like Bojack Horseman, Rick, and Morty these shows have been a plus point of Netflix.

Another show that has been widely famous on Netflix is Aggretsuko, the second season of the show has raving reviews and ratings which looked promising to the makers to come up with more content.

Fans were instantly able to connect with the 25-year-old Retsuko and her adventures, but the question remains when is season 3 of Aggretsuko coming?


The streaming device has not yet renewed Aggretsuko for season 3; however, we are positive that the show will get a renewal.

Aggretsuko Season one premiered on April 20, 2018, followed by season two on June 14, 2019, which means that season three can come our way in 2024 if Netflix plans on renewing it in 2024.

With no renewal until we do not have a trailer or a teaser for the upcoming season 3.

If Aggretsuko is renewed for season three, then we may see about ten episodes as followed by season one and two.


The story will be picked up from where it was left in season two, and we will discover more about Retsuko’s life, her bond with her friends and family, her struggles of being a 25-year-old, and how she manages her workplace and colleagues.

Retsuko is seen breaking all the preconceived notions of being an adult, and we have a lot to learn from her, we will see Retsuko’s new adventures as she ventures into her adulthood.

If you haven’t yet watched Aggretsuko, then you head to Netflix and stream season one and two.

We will keep you updated on the latest information about the show!

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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