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A Nightmare On Elm Street Stars Reunite Against Coronavirus

Elm Street Stars Reunite On COVID19

Plenty of celebrities have published isolated PSAs about the coronavirus or reprised familiar genre casts in order to warn of the pandemic’s dangers, but few have the offensive production value of a song by the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise’s characters.

The large group of actors got teamed up to chant a version story of the famous slasher’s nursery rhyme and jingle all about keeping a safe distance and staying safe home. And if anyone remembers about demanding to stay safe at home, it is those running from the artist Freddy Krueger.

About The Artist

While the artist Robert Englund  Freddy himself doesn’t make an appearance in the video he did his own PSA earlier this month, the large cast includes and add Heather Langenkamp, Lisa Wilcox, Mark Patton, Andras Jones, Ken Sagoes, Brooke Theiss, Toy Newkirk, Ira Heiden, Brooke Bundy, and a few disturbing children with sidewalk chalk.

The following are were masked and six feet away from each other, at least, but it does not make their mysterious messages information the lyrics of the jingle any less effective. With plenty of excellent artist Elm Street vibes thrown in for of color, the PSA is fun for horror fans, viewers and good for messaging. Even without Englund, who recently told SYFY WIRE that he would love and prefer to see a prequel to the series, the video works miracles stars so remember to wash those blades, boys, and ghouls.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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