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Man Who Posed As Cop And Lured Women Dies Of Coronavirus In Jail

A deadly attacker who pretended as a cop to stop lone women drivers before attacking them has died after suffering from coronavirus in his Arkansas jail.

Robert Birmingham, 54, was infamously known as the Blue Light Attacker in 1997 after attaching flitting lights to his vehicle dashboard to give sufferers the impression he was an officer.

Once he had pulled them over the road, he abducted and molested them.

Crimes List

Birmingham who has always kept his innocence, was accepting a life sentence after his 1998 conviction for assaulting two females in eastern Arkansas, including a 17-year-old teenager.

He had been suspected of molesting two further victims under the same police pretense but was never brought to trial over those attacks.

Died Of Coronavirus

Burmingham died at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences hospital in Little Rock after getting coronavirus at Cummins Unit prison, which has become a breeding area for the spread of the bug.

His death certificate revealed he was killed by acute hypoxic respiratory failure and viral pneumonia that was secondary to coronavirus.

The killer bug attacks the lungs and can cause serious breathing problems, though it is not known if Burmingham had any previous health conditions.

The disease at the jail has so far infected 900 inmates and killed eight.

Victims Are Happy

Victim Shannon Woods said she was happy to hear her seducer was dead.

She helped pass Shannon’s Law in 2017, which makes it unlawful for civilians to attach blue lights to cars or carry false police badges.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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