Frontier is a television series which is created by Brad Peyton, Peter Blackie and Rob Blackie. This series is an epic drama and is worth watching. The creators are planning for the fourth season after the three successful seasons. This series is based on the saga of the fur trade in the Northern American region.
Both Netflix and the Discovery Channel have not confirmed anything regarding the fourth season yet.
Frontier Season 4 Release Date
The first season was released in November 2016, which got 50% ratings on Rotten Tomatoes; then, the second season was out in October 2017, which received 100% ratings from Rotten Tomatoes. The third season was out in December 2018, which landed on a score of 82%.
The creators do not confirm the fourth season of this series. The Streaming service of this series, Netflix has also not made any official announcement regarding the release date of Season four. But the fans may expect the season to arrive in 2024.
Frontier Season 4 Cast
The cast of the upcoming fourth season may include – Jason Momoa, Zoe Boyle, Jessica Mattern, Landon Liboiron, Alun Armstrong, Greg Bryk. Shawn Doyle is expected to repeat his role. There is no official announcement by the creators and Netflix about any new additions to the cast for the new season.
Frontier Season 4 Plot
In the previous seasons of the series, the creators showcased Delcan’s way to break the monopoly of the corrupt company. In this struggle, Delcan faced the loss of his family and his entire support. In the previous season, the fans were left with a disappointment as they were left with so many questions. The fans of the Frontier must be hoping that all their problems will be answered in the new season.