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72-Year-Old Pensioner Brutally Choked To Death While Eating Christmas Dinner With Family, Police Investigating

A 72 years old-age pensioner named Brian Marshall strangled to death when he was eating Christmas dinner with his family, according to a source.

According to the investigation, Brian Marshall had just begun to tuck into the roast dinner while he started to strive to breathe.

In addition to the struggles of his sister, nephews, and nieces, who made the Heimlich procedure on him, Mr. Marshall failed mindfulness.

Paramedics then took to Mr. Marshall’s nephew’s house – seeking in vain to revive him, according to a source.

Pronouncing today, Mr. Marshall’s traumatized sister named Mary Hemley told the family had only just sat down unitedly when catastrophe hit.

‘We had only just sat down for lunch, and Brian began choking on something,’ the 67-year-old stated.

A Christmas treat of lamb and roast beef just hours before his last meal, Brian was mixing with loved ones and swapping Christmas gifts.

It is not clear accurately what caused Mr. Marshall to begin gagging.

Mrs. Hemley, who is from the nearby village of Cowplain, stated she had been remained so shocked she will not rejoice Christmas one more time for concern of reigniting the tragic memories that happened.

The 72 years old Brian, a great uncle to Mary’s grandchildren, served as a designer for most of his life.

He had a dry sense of humor and always knew how to make people laugh,’ Mary stated.

The family acknowledged South Central Ambulance Service and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance which appeared to the scene.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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