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13 Reasons Why Season 4: Another Death! Another Character Says Goodbye In The Final Season! But Who

13 Reasons Why is Netflix a drama series. Although the critics gave a low rating, the people enjoyed the series. The series focuses mostly on depression, violence, and teenagers. I have to admit that the series casts were great and well-performed their parts.

In the very first season, we see a character named Hannah Baker who, before committing suicide, has left behind 13 videotapes. She discusses all the reasons why she did it. The reality is that the premise of the series has helped to minimize the suicide rate considerably.

Clay Jensen Might Die In Season 4

It looks like there are some hypotheses for the next season. Fans hope to see Bryce again next season. While he’s dead now, in this very series, this isn’t an obstacle. So, maybe we’ll come to see him. Then there’s Monty’s murder and his killer’s unresolved case.

There are various hypotheses regarding Clay Jensen’s death. Since each season of 13 reasons Why ends with the deaths of a few other characters, fans guess that Clay will finish the next season. But this is just a wild hypothesis, which has not yet been proven. Fans expect to see Clay once more.

As Clay is the most crucial character in the series and season 4 is the last. Theories suggest that the series will end with Clay Jensen’s death. Though it is not confirmed whether it’ll happen or not, for that, we have to wait for season 4 to release.

Release Date:

Netflix revealed on August 1, 2019, that 13 reasons Why they return for a fourth season.

There is not yet a date of the official release, so it is difficult even to speculate where it may be-there was no set release schedule for the series since it began in late March 2017, with season two falling in May 2018, so season three in August 2019.

It’s fair to say, however, that 13 episodes like the three before it will last the next season.

We bet we’re not going to see 13 reasons why season 4 is released before the end of 2024.

Cast Details:

The cast of season 4 includes:

  • Dylan Minnette (Clay Jensen)
  • Christian Navarro (Tony Padilla)
  • Alisha Boe (Jessica Davis)
  • Brandon Flynn (Justin Foley)
  • Miles Heizer (Alex Standall)
  • Ross Butler (Zach Dempsey)
  • Devin Druid (Tyler Down)
  • Amy Hargreaves (Lainie Jensen)
  • Anne Winters (Chlöe Rice)
  • Steven Weber (Gary Bolan)
  • Grace Saif (Ani Achola)

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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