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WOW!!! Google Duo Will Soon Allow Users To Video Call From Their Android TV

The COVID-19 pandemic has constrained us to associate with individuals over video calls.

It doesn’t appear as though the limitations set by the pandemic are disappearing at any point in the near future. Resultantly, video calling administrations have truly ventured up over the most recent couple of months to offer an encounter that is more reasonable given the current conditions. Presently, Google has reported that Google Duo is before long coming to Android TV.

Google Duo has been around for very nearly 5 years and has been accessible for Android, iOS, Web, and even Google’s brilliant presentations like the Google Nest Hub Max. Presently, Google is growing the help of Google Duo by bringing brilliant Android TVs under the ambit.

With an end goal to bring the video calling experience to more pieces of your home, Google Duo is starting a Beta on Android TV soon, Google said in a blog post.

Google Duo will soon let other users call you without knowing your phone  number
Source: Android

On the off chance that your TV has a webcam, you’ll be a great idea to go with your video calls. Yet, in the event that it doesn’t, you could connect a USB webcam to your TV to take and settle on video decisions on the greater presentation. While TV video calls probably won’t be essential, it’s certainly acceptable to have adaptability as far as where you can accept a video call.

For times, when you’re on a call – with your family – the large presentation that your TV offers will be valuable.

This declaration comes soon after Google reported help for Google Meet – one more video calling administration from Google – on Chromecast. Thus, if Google Meet is your video-calling administration decision, you can now essentially project the call from your telephone to a Cast-viable gadget, for example, your PC or your TV.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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