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The Eternals: Is This The Villian Of New Marvel Epic!

The Villian Of New Marvel Epic!

Tie-down toys are always a great source of information on the latest Marvel movie. And of course, we may have learned about some of the major comic book characters that will appear in The Eternal due to a leaked list of Funtco Pop. Figures to come in the coming months. However, be aware that this list may be fraudulent. That being said, with various figures linked in many other franchises, it certainly seems legitimate.

The list below was originally shared by @pop_o_clock and it was @EternalsNews that who felt had important revelations about the MCU movie as it clearly tells us that Krio, the leader of the Deviants, appeared. He will give Y if he is in the cast, it means that he will serve as the main antagonist of The Eternal. The second main name to focus on this list is Arisham, the leader of celebrities.

What are The Eternals Plans?

We already know that the original plot of The Eternals will see its old enemies, deities, immortal heroes fighting the mutant strain of their race. It simply states that Crew will serve as the villain of the piece. In the comics, Kro himself is immortal. As a shapeshifter, its horned and red-skinned form has been seen in human culture as an image of the devil. He is also notable for his secret romance with Thena, played by Angelina Jolie in the MCU.

For Arisham, parts of the stories are likely to remember the beginning of the Eternals, as the race was created by the divine Celestials of ancient humans. Remember, we met Celestials before the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. And as a purple-skinned pursuer named Thanos, we also encountered a goddess. Eternals is slated to hit theatres on November 6.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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