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Sophia Myles: Actress Reveals Her Father Died Of Coronavirus

Sophia Myles is profoundly saddened at the outbreak of COVID-19.

The actress “Transformers” and “Underworld” revealed that her father, Peter Myles, contract the deadly virus. She revealed this in a tweet.

The actress watched, according to Fox News, her father struggling with the symptoms of the deadly virus. Myles revealed the sad news on Saturday, without sharing more details of her father. Sophia Myles posted another tweet on the same day, showing her head resting on her brother. She was wearing gloves and a facemask, following the precautions that people are provided to prevent the spread of the virus.

Sophia Myles Was Prepared For It

Her dad, meanwhile, appeared tired and asleep, closed his eyes, and breathed using a medical tool. This was not the only social-media post, Myles shared; she chronicled the status of her father in the past couple of weeks with multiple tweets and videos, every time updating the status of her father’s followers. An interview also confirmed that she was “absolutely prepared” for the worst.

The actress had not concealed her father’s COVID-19 contract, as per the reports. She first disclosed the condition of her dad on March 14, posting a video where her dad had been told that she was in a “closed ward.” She clarified that she had other underlying medical problems, aside from coronavirus, and cautioned that people should not take the risks of the virus lightly.

Other Details

Her father is not the only one who contracts the deadly virus. Other celebrities such as Tom Hanks and figures, including the wife of the Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau, came down with COVID-19. Based on Worldometer data as of March 24, there were over 372,500 individuals worldwide who tested positive for coronavirus, while the death rate was staggering 16,313.

Myles, for her part, said she felt for the doctors who treat contaminated patients. She said, “She should tell that they are stressed out.” She also shared her feelings on the medical system, wondering if she could conquer patients.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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