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Russian Doll: Has Netflix Revealed Details On A New Season?

Netflix’s Russian Doll announced back in February 2019 with a grin, a belch, and a killer hook: tough, smart-ass New York video game developer Nadia drinks, smokes, and fornicates her way though her 36th birthday, then disappears horribly while got scattering down her missing cat.

Then she awakens up at her birthday party and the same night starts all over again. And again. It’s Groundhog Day with grot and cursing, existential anxiety, and an early midlife crisis and both authorities and spectators went mad for it.

Releasing Date

Stranger Things aside, Netflix basically supports the same yearly churn as the networks all those players and crew are in the same industry after all but while we were hoping that meant February 2024 for the second run, that’s now been and gone. Shooting will reportedly kick off in May 2024, according to Production Weekly, which means we could be looking at a 2024 premiere.


The key is that whatever Nadia gets up to, it doesn’t fall into standard comedy-drama tropes of motherhood or relationship fulfillment. During an interview with Vanity Fair, Poehler further discussed the show’s handling of its female characters.

The series Russian Doll really came out of a discussion that Natasha and I began having about roles for women, and about how a lot of our really iconic television characters that are played by men are really recognized to be many things at once, she answered. Terminal, and tender, and sexy, and whether they get to be all those things.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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