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Peaky Blinders Season 6: Will It Arrive This Year On Netflix?

Popular crime drama series Peaky Blinders returned with the fifth season. While the team finale was nothing less than shocking for fans, we are eagerly waiting for the sixth season, which will unveil many secrets left behind by the fifth season finale. Let us take a look at all the details of the upcoming sixth season, and when is it happening?

Is Peaky Blinders Coming Back For Season 6? Here’s What We Know.

While the fifth season had a rather dark and gloomy end, fans might be happy to know that the sixth season is happening! Creator Steven Knight is not done yet, and that’s pretty big news. Knight said that after the fourth season, the whole story went on to be nothing less than maddening!

Writers Have Already Started Working On The Sixth Season Script! Have A Look.

However, there might be prolonged waiting ok the way for fans as director Anthony Byrne has revealed that they were pretty close to starting the production on the sixth season soon enough, which was halted due to the whole pandemic situation. Take a look at this exclusive image of the behind shooting scenes!

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We were so close to the start of filming Season 6. Months of hard work by our very talented, dedicated and hardworking crew. Sets were built, costumes were made. Cameras and lenses tested. Locations were booked. All the prep was done. It’s a real shame not to be able to make it for you at this time. But I personally want to thank the crew that I’ve spent months working with and I want to send my love and support to them and everyone else. We are in this together. . . These are extraordinary times and we must be extraordinary in them. . . Remember who we all are as a people and look out for those around you who will find these times challenging. Dig deep. It will pass. . . Read that book that’s been staring at you for years. Write a poem, script, novel. Listen to music. Watch movies. Be creative. Make art. Share. Find the positive in all of this and use it. We will be better for it in the long run. Stay safe and healthy. Support the amazing people who are keeping the @nhsmillion going. Look after those around you and reach out to people. . Love & Respect to you all – A. . . @peakyblindersofficial #peakyblinders @ofycm #peakyblindersquotes #peaky #peakyblinder #peakyblindersofficial #peakyfuckingblinders @peakyblindersitalia @peakyblindersfrc #peakyblindersseason5 @bbciplayer @netflixuk #byorderofthepeakyblinders #tommyshelby #cillianmurphy @ofycm #arthurshelby #wecandothistogether #globalawakening #socialdistancing #staystrong #makeart #mentalhealth

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The director also went to reveal the title of the first episode of the sixth season, which goes by the name Black Day! The name is pretty apt considering how the fifth season ended with Tommy Shelby almost going insane and trying to kill himself after the whole failed assassination fiasco! However, Tommy Shelby is surely returning with someone new on its way as well. However, he might have to face challenges in the way!

A New Female Character Is Going To Set New Challenges In The Sixth Season!

A new mysterious female character is rumored to make an entry from the sixth season onwards and will end up challenging Tommy Shelby. The director has desired the original character as pretty dark! Not only that, but this character is expected to have the same ideology as that of Mosley! So, is she going to be the next antagonist? Will she create new obstacles for Tommy Shelby in the coming season?

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What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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