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Patriot Act With Hasan Minaj Cancelled After 6 Seasons

There is no patriotic act with Hassan Minhaj. Netflix canceled a weekly political talk show hosted by American comedian Titanic after publishing six “volumes” or 39 episodes per season, as you wish, in a period of fewer than two years (20 months, to be exact). ). The streaming service did not say why it decided to abolish the Patriot Act, one of its only talk shows. More importantly, it’s also the only Netflix talk show to win an Emmy and Peabody Award.

The Patriot Act In Context Of Minaj

The giant screen was a hallmark of the Patriot act in the context of Minaj; They wrapped Minaj in the background and under his feet and helped add Minhaj’s performers and monologues. But even more important, it was Minaj’s personality and he interacted with the audience, which removed the Patriot Act. Additionally, Minaj was the only American of South Asian descent with a weekly talk show, and one of only two South Asians, Lily Singh with Lily Singh, to do a talk show in the United States.

Patriot Act: Fans of Hasan Minhaj's show urge Netflix to reconsider - BBC News

Image Source: BBC

The Deshraj Law, thanks to Minaj, also had a more mundane approach than other talk shows. He saw the atrocities of the death of Jamal Khashoggi, the heavy censorship in China and the feminist backlash, the threats from President Bolsonaro in Brazil, the Malaysian sovereign fund scandal, the protests in Sudan, and how the United States is doing. Export of obesity.

Minaj Attention To Indian issues

Minaj also paid attention to Indian issues twice, including how corruption in the BCCI is hurting the global development of cricket, and Pigeon in Indian politics ahead of the 2019 national elections. The Patriot Act entered the cycle news reports from India when Minaj dealt with the Indian elections, and it was trending on social media after the Minaj show and episode aired. The Patriot Act made world headlines after its episode in Saudi Arabia, which was important to the Crown Mohammed bin Salman. , Which was pulled by Netflix in the Middle Eastern country, as the monarchy asked it to do.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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