Liza on demand is a comedy web TV series on YouTube Premium. The show made its debut in the year 2018. The story of the show revolves around the three mad roommates. The show gained lots of fans following form the day one of its releases. The show has already got its two hit seasons on YouTube Premium. Fans are really excited about the third installment of the show.
Here we will provide you every information regarding the Liza on Demand season three:
Is the show been renewed for its third run?
As for now, there is no information about the renewal of the show. But seeing the fanbase and fan following of the show there are high chances for the show getting its renewal soon this year.
We can expect some delay because of the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus.
The expected release date for the third season:
The second season of ‘Lisa on Demand’ premiered on YouTube Premium on September 25, 2019. All the episodes have been released on the same day of the premiere.
As for the upcoming season, we don’t have an official announcement yet. However, considering the fact that the show has proven extremely popular and it would be a real surprise if it doesn’t have a second season. Our best guess is that in Season 3 of Liza on Demand it could be released anytime in September 2024, if the show is done again.
The cast members of the show:
- Liza Koshy as Liza Hertzler
- Travis Coles as Oliver
- Kimiko Glenn as Harlow
- Jim O’Heir as Don
- Noah Schnapp as Evan M.
- Jennifer Esposito as Holly
- John Gemberling as Rude Man
- Jessica Tuck as Orchid Owner
- Chloe Csengery as Alyssa
- Froy Gutierrez as Doug
- Matt McCoy as Clay Coburn
- Morgan Smith as Martha
- Irene Keng as June
- Lindsey Alley as Elizabeth Coburn
- Eugene Cordero as Nigel