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Iron Age Princess Discovered In France By Archaeologists

Remains Discovered

The remains of a 2,800-year-old woman trickling with blue glass beads and wearing a copper belt buckle have been found by French archaeologists.

The body of the woman, who is assumed to have been a princess, was placed inside a wooden coffin with her arms holding by her sides.

She was buried in a rectangular pit covering 9.4ft by 3.6ft, together with ornaments on her body and crockery placed near her head.

The team of archaeologists recognized the mark of the coffin in the ground along with the woman’s bone pieces near Saint-Vulbas, about 20 miles from Lyon.

She was one of three people buried in the place during the First Iron Age in the 8th century BC.

Bracelets adorned with blue glass and copper dots were placed on each of the woman’s wrists, according to archaeologists from the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research.

Copper Buckle

A two-inch wide buckle with a clip made of the copper alloy was also found, proposed that she had been wearing a belt, probably made from leather.

Parts of the woman’s pelvis, both femurs, parts of the skull, and the sacrum were among the bones found with the treasures.

Buried In the 8th Century BC

Her tomb is one of three funeral knolls identified at the site that is thought to date back to the first half of the 8th century BC, which was the commencement of the Iron Age.

Human and dead body remains in one of the other tombs displayed hints of having being cremated.

Another tomb seems to have been added in the 5th Century BC, together with a four-post funerary stone surrounded by a shallow ditch.

Two Halves of Tomb

The tomb is divided into two, with both halves carrying cremated human remains.

In one half, archaeologists found what appears to have been a wooden box lined with limestone, in which washed bone and bracelet parts had been placed.

They propose that space next to this could have been used for offerings of biodegradable, such as food.

In the other half, mixed with charcoal from the cremation fuel were buried inside a basket-type container.

The state of the bones makes it difficult to determine the gender of the cremated person, but the ornaments, an iron belt clip, and copper alloy bracelet signifies it was a woman.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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