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House Of Cards: Reasons Why Netflix Should Consider Season 7

House of Cards is one of the best series on Netflix. The weather in the house of cards on Netflix is ​​right; you can see it. Viewers say this series is worth watching and then that the reviews support them, too. House of Cards Season 1 launched in February 2013. And the streaming service produced it.

Season 6 is said to be the final season of the series House Of Cards. But he delivered eight exciting episodes last season. In which we saw the main character, Kevin Spacey was removed from the House of Cards due to some accusations. And as we all know, Robin Wright’s Claire Underwood has stepped up to become the new President of the United States.

Reasons Why Netflix Should Consider Season 7 of House Of Cards?

Well, I guess not, there’s no chance for season 7 anyway. We think Netflix is ​​now rolling out of the show as it has with Arrested Development and Gilmore Girls. Netflix also canceled the series.

House of Cards Season 7: Release Date, Story, Will It Happen?

A replacement has also begun for this series. He chose the British Channel series, better known as Black Mirror.

There may be a possibility that Netflix allows House of Cards to continue on another platform like Amazon or Hulu. But with this Netflix, we can say that they are ready to mount this show. So this is for the house of cards.

Other Updates On House Of Cards:- 

Well, as we can say, each one has his own professional and personal life. However, the stars and the actors have it, too. Season 6 was announced as the last season of the series due to some drama in the backdrop of the show.

Now comes the final season, begins Frank Underwood is already dead. And all of this was very mysterious about Frank’s death. Additionally, on October 30, 2017, Netflix announced that the series would end with a sixth season after allegations of sexual harassment with Spacey.

Stay tuned for more updates on House Of Cards.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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