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Eyes Of The Dragon: Latest Updates Regarding Its Release

Stephen King is a well-known novelist all around the world. Over the years, the author has written several books that went on to become bestsellers. Many of Stephen King’s novels have been adapted into films and series. One of Stephen King’s novel, The Eyes of the Dragon, was to be adapted into a film and series at different points, but the projects never took off. Last year Hulu decided to adapt The Eyes of the Dragon into a series. It has been over a year since Hulu announced its intention to adopt the novel into a series. The fans and followers of The Eyes of the Dragon are eagerly waiting to watch the series based on their fantasy novel on Hulu. Here is everything we know about the series based on The Eyes of the Dragon on Hulu.

Stephen King's The Eyes of the Dragon at work in Hulu - Animated Times


The Eye Of The Dragon: What Is The Status Of The Project On Hulu?

Last year Hulu announced its intention to adapt Stephen King’s novel, The Eye Of The Dragon, into a television series. It has been over a year, and the fans of the novel are waiting for some news on the arrival of the series on Hulu. There is a piece of bad news for the fans of The Eye Of The Dragon. The series based on the novel is now not being made by the network.

The Eye Of The Dragon: Why Has Hulu Decided To Back Out Of The Series?

Last year, Hulu appointed Seth Grahame-Smith as the showrunner of the proposed series. The project was on the fast track, and the fans were expecting to watch the series soon. But, something went wrong. Hulu has decided to back out of the fantasy series. Seth Grahame-Smith recently revealed that the project was canceled due to budget issues. He also said that there were some behind the scene changes also.

The Eye Of The Dragon: Other Projects Based On The Novel

This is not the first time that The Eye Of The Dragon was to be adapted into a series. In 2012, Syfy had decided to make a series based on the novel, but the project never took off.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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