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Cardi B And Anitta Collaboration Is Off And Running

Here is what we know about the collaboration between Cardi B and Anitta!

Well, well, well, as of right now, news has come out that our favorite rap singer, that is, Cardi B has gone on to join ger forces with another artist, that is, Anitta for a new project called Me Gusta.

Cardi B is one of the best rap stars out there who has just made a hit with her recent music called WAP. This iconic lady is from Brazil and is going to reveal everything about her collaboration with Anitta this Friday. Anitta went on to address the fact about how happy she was to collaborate with Cardi b and said that as soon as she heard the track she just jumped at the chance to get a feature in it.

Here is hat Cardi B shared on her Twitter account about having this collaboration!

Cardi even went on her personal social media platform Twitter and made a post saying that she really loves this song and when she first heard it, as we all know her she has to hear a song like more than three times to get a better understanding of it and when she did that, she kept repeating its hook in her head. She also revealed how she does not immediately get on track on the same day because she has listened to the whole thing a couple of times.

We have already previously received a teaser back from Anitta and it is going to feature another amazing artist along with rapper Myke Towers and this is how she left all the fans to guess who it actually was.

Here is what Anitta shared on her social media!

Then she went on the platform again to write that now everybody knows how Me Gusta is coming out just next Friday and everybody also knows that Myke Towers is featuring on it. She also said that what we do not know this until the last week because her manager surprised her is that they had another amazing artist joining the duo.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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