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Bruce Wills Can Be Seen As The New MCU Villain

Bruce Wills can be seen as the new MCU villain! What can the fans expect? What are the recent updates? Here is everything you should know!

Bruce Wills can be seen as the new MCU villain!

In the past eight years, Willis has appeared in no fewer than 30 movies, and only Wes Anderson’s the Moondrive Kingdom and Ryan Johnson’s Looper have had a memorable performance. Fifteen of them have gone straight to the video, and outside of the A Good Day to Die Hard franchise, G.I. Joe: Vengeance becomes Red 2 and Glass, the rest have exploded at the box office.

Hero or villain? Bruce Willis could be part of the MCU
source: NewsBeezer

At this stage, it will take a Herrickian effort to arrest his offspring in mediation, but now we are hearing from our sources, the same as the She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel shows told us earlier that they were on Disney Plus. We’re working on It was officially announced that Marvel Studios would like to cast Willis into the superhero series as the villain.

What role will Bruce Wills play?

According to our intelligence, Marvel would like to play the role of an agent working in the upper field of S.W.O.R.D for Armageddon Star, which will be introduced in the WandVision organization. Although Willis’s unnamed character will be secretly offering too many bad things behind the scenes. Which can open the door to recurring appearances in the future.

Getting into the biggest game in town is a way to get your career back on track, and if playing a government official in the MCU is enough for Robert Redford, it’s certainly good enough for Bruce Willis. For now, though, we’ll just have to wait and see if Marvel can catch it.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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