Death Note is a Japanese animated series. The show aired in Japan between October 3, 2006, to June 26, 2007. A film adaptation of the Japenese series was released by Netflix on August 24, 2017.
Reasons Why A Sequel Of Death Note Is Possible?
The series that aired its last episode on June 26, 2007, is still very popular amongst the masses. Fans all the world have been demanding a second season of the show. There are a lot of unanswered questions that need to be answered. Over the years, the fans have come up with a lot of theories.
The series is so popular that a novel series, various video games, and three live-action movies based on the series have been made. In 2017 the online streaming giant, Netflix also adapted the series into a movie.
Death Note Season 2 By Madhouse?
The Japenese series Death Note was developed by Madhouse production for television in 2006. Season 1 of the series had 37 episodes. The series ended on a sad note. The series covered every little thing that belonged to the Japanese manga except the last phase.
Ever since airing the last episode, Madhouse has not made any announcement regarding season 2 of Death Note.
Death Note 2 On Netflix?
The film adaptation of the Japenese series was made by Netflix. The film received mixed reviews from the viewers. Netflix is working on the sequel of the movie.
Greg Russo has been roped in to write the screenplay of the movie. There are no other details about the sequel film.
When Will Death Note 2 Release On Netflix?
The sequel of the movie Death Note will not release in 2024. The world is currently going through a global pandemic that has halted all the productions. Netflix also has not announced any release date for the sequel.