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13 Reasons Why Season 4: 5 Crucial Things To Know About The Final Season

Five things everyone should know about the fourth season of 13 Reasons Why!!

Thirteen reasons why: This is the story of a young high school student who falls into depression due to intimidation and betrayal, which ends her suicide. In an audio diary, he describes the 13th Reasons Why his life ended, which his friend finds two weeks after his death. In three seasons of 13 reasons, we have seen many things like murders, drugs, deportations, and many more mysteries revealed.

The third season was a small twist that left us with so many questions that will be answered in the fourth and last season. Yes, Netflix has confirmed the fourth season of 13 Reasons Why. The previous installment of the show has started production.

13 reasons why season 4: will it be all about Monty?

Monty, who was shot dead, was a physicist with one of Bryce Hillcrest’s classmates, Wiston Williams, when Bryce was killed, he was a physicist at Tyler Downs I went to jail by assault. When Bryce’s case was closed, Clay’s friend, Annie, discovered that Monty had been sentenced to death in prison. Then he and Clay’s friends joked about Bryce’s murder.

What will fishers do with Tyler’s weapons?

When Clay and Tony Padilla presented Tyler’s plan for a mass shooting at their school’s Spring Fling, they threw all of Tyler’s weapons into the river, and later this season, a fisherman saw him in the water.

Will Justin and Jessica be a couple?

The romantic relationship between Justin and Jessica can be one of the most complicated things in the program. This seems to have been a particularly scary aspect of their relationship when Justin “raped” Jessica at a party a year ago but independently softened her posture. Season 4 will continue to explore complex wrinkles in their relationship with Justin, and will finally decide if Justin and Jessica’s love is enough to overcome the trauma of both.

Will things change at Liberty High School?

Jessica, as president of the school, hopes to make some changes at Liberty High School, especially for survivors of physical abuse who have been influenced by others in the school. Hopefully, the school assembly eventually inspires them to take action and make the school a safe place for survivors and ensure that such things never happen again.

Will Tony’s family return to America?

Tony’s family was deported after Brian’s father informed authorities about his immigration status. However, Tony and his younger sister, Graciella, both born in the U.S. In the US, Tony took Graciela to his uncle and aunt in Arizona. It seems that Tony will satisfy his sister for being so far away, and his parents even more. It’s hard to say what you can do to improve the situation. Still, this is reason 13, so it seems that you will try.

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Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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