
5 Things To Check Before Buying A Used Motorcycle

Buying a used motorcycle is the right option for those who don’t have enough money to buy a new one – or simply want to save their money. Today, the offer of used motorcycles is large, so you can easily satisfy your taste. However, you need to be careful when purchasing. So, here are 5 things to check before buying a used motorcycle.

Purchase Of Used Motorcycles: Things You Need To Know

There are many models of different types on the used motorcycle market, which can make it difficult to buy if you are not sure what kind of machine you are looking for. Plus, you can’t always believe everything the seller says. It is not as easy to buy a used motorcycle as it seems. That’s why we will draw your attention to 5 things to check before buying a used motorcycle.

Source: Ride Expeditions

1. Get acquainted with the model of motorcycle you want to buy

Before going in search of a used two-wheeler, thoroughly get to know the model you are buying. And not just the motorcycle model, but it is also even better to know his owner. Anything else could put you in an awkward and inferior situation. Don’t make hasty decisions – and give up if you don’t like the offer.

2. Check the ownership documents

It is very important to check the vehicle papers. Check frame and engine number. See if any alterations have been made and if they have been recorded in the papers. When buying, be sure to check your VIN because you never know if the motorcycle may be under search. Make sure you ask for a service booklet and where the vehicle you are buying is serviced. If it is a do-it-yourself service – turn on your signal lights and think carefully about the offer.

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Source: Car and Driver

3. Take care of how much money you need to invest in a motorcycle

Don’t rush into buying a motorcycle that requires a lot more maintenance investment than you planned. It is better to pay a little more when buying – than with a mechanic. Especially with older motorcycles, where it is very important to carefully check whether such a machine is really worth as much money as the seller asked for it.

4. Before you buy it – drive it

Not all flaws are visible just by looking. Some of them can only be noticed while driving. Therefore, make a test drive a mandatory part of your purchase. What do we want to check while driving? How does a motorcycle behave? Are there any vibrations, shaking, strange sounds? Check the position of the steering wheel, whether it is centered with the wheel – or something is happening that pulls the motorcycle to the side. For example, if the steering wheel must be moved slightly to the right for the wheel to go straight. These are signs of damage.

Source: Autocar India

5. You need to have clear expectations

You need to know exactly what you can expect from the motorcycle you want to buy. Also, it is not out of place to take someone with you who has better technical knowledge than you. Even if you understand all that yourself – two pairs of eyes can always see more.

What do you think?

Kane Dane

Written by Kane Dane

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